Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Summer Ball 148- 155

Will and Ty told Tarik about what they did the other night and how they snuck across the lake to go see Tess, Danny's "girlfriend." Tarik said that Danny couldn't just sit on the bench and watch them while he was "hurt" and Danny should at least try to be a motivator of the team. At one point Danny got in the game, and he and Rasheed were actually working good together as if nothing in the past had actually happened. They had one thing set on their mind: to win the game. It was 65- 64 with 20 seconds left in the game and Coach Powers drew up a play that had Rasheed taking the game winning shot no matter what. Well, in the game, Rasheed got triple-teamed and was forced to pass the ball back to Danny. Danny drove like the coach told him to and he looked for Rasheed, but Rasheed was still getting double-teamed. So, Danny wanted to take the game into his own hands, but when he did a step-back to free himself and got a clear open shot, he air-balled it. What will coach Ed Powers make them do next?

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