Friday, January 31, 2014

Game 181-191

Drew and his team are in the playoffs and their first game is against a pretty good team, Our Lady of Mercy. They ended up beating them and they got all excited even though everyone was telling them to relax. The next team that they have to play, Roosevelt, looked like they thought they were going to win because in warm-ups they were all joking around with smiles on their faces. They were a big team; everyone was ripped and they didn't have a single white person. By halftime Drew was up by 11. They won in the end by 12 and Drew felt pretty good about the win. At home his dad was very proud of him and he started tearing up because he was so proud of his son.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Game 132- 150

Drew was feeling sluggish in this game and everything he was doing was wrong. The first time he got the ball, he traveled. The next time, he threw up an air ball. Drew came out for a while, but when they were down by six with 4 minutes left in the game, he came in. He got them back into the game and ended up having the game winning shot that he took right out of Tomas's hands. Tomas wasn't too happy about that and he was yelling at Drew at the end of the game about it, but Ruffy picked him up and slammed him to the ground, and that made Tomas be quiet. Tomas still wasn't happy with Drew though, even the next day they ignored each other in the hallways at school.

Holocaust Vocab 2

SS/SA soldier or officer- they were on Hitler's side, SA wasn't fully committed to Hitler, but the SS was and they took over the SA
Kristallnacht- aka the Night of Broken Glass was a series of coordinated attacks on the Jews
Fuhrer- German title for the leader, used mostly with Hitler
rationing- controlled distribution of scarce resources

Jungvolk-youth organization in Nazi Germany for boys aged 10 to 14, and was a section of the Hitler Youth movement.
censorship- suppression of any information that is controlled by the government

Aryan- race that is supposedly the pure race
informers-person who provides privileged information about a person or organization to an agency
black market- underground economy where goods are traded illegally
shortwave radio- radio using higher frequencies
People's radio-range of radio receivers developed by engineer Otto Griesing
National Socialism- anti communist culture

Monday, January 27, 2014

Game 152- 160

Everyone was talking about the big game coming up against Bryant, one of the best teams in their division. Bryant was the only team that was undefeated up until they had their first loss last week against Warrick. This game was pretty much for division champions. This game was so big that the principal even called for a pep rally, which usually doesn't happen. When they were at the game, Boogie, their best player, wasn't in their layup lines in warm-ups until he came down from the stands with signs that read Beware the Boogie Man. In the game Boogie got the first points with a dunk over Tomas.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Game 101-124

They are playing a pretty good team and the coach doesn't want to put Drew in because he thinks that it is going to be an easy game. It wasn't an easy game, and they were down by 15 at half time. House puts Drew in now and they go on a 14-2 run and are only down by three. By the end of the third quarter they are up by six, but they have a good guy whose number is 14. He crosses Drew so bad that he makes him do a full 360, and he steps back and swishes a three. Drew's team ends up being down by one point in the fourth quarter and Ruffy brings the ball up quick. With six seconds left, Drew takes the ball to the hole and goes up with it, but their seven foot guy goes for the block, so Drew passes it out wildly and Tomas ends up getting the ball and making the buzzer beater. After the game Drew invited Tomas over to his house. How will Tomas feel about this?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Helmuth's Attitude

Helmuth admires Hitler and his intentions to take over the world. He doesn't see why Oma and Opa don't like him. He feels a deep love for all things German, and he loves Hitler's raspy voice and fills him with fear. He loves his country and wants to serve his Country. He admires the soldiers and hopes to one day be one of them. He doesn't see why Hitler hates Jews. Helmuth knows a few Jews and he thinks that they are just normal, nice people.

Game 82-101

Drew's friend got arrested for some crime and he is in court. Drew wanted to go, so he took the subway to the courthouse. After that they went out to eat at a restaurant. The next day, in school, Drew and some of his friends were talking with Colin, the new kid. They were just messing around in class and having a good time telling jokes and talking about girls. When they went to lunch Couch House stopped Drew in the hallway and said he would take him out to lunch. When they went out to a restaurant the two talked about basketball and their team. House said that he heard from a couple of scouts that Drew isn't much of a team player and wouldn't fit in a collegiate program. House said that he was trying to sit Drew so he would see it. How will Drew react to this?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Game 68-82

Drew and his team play FDA. They have never really had an explosive player, but they have always had a good team as a whole. Some teams expect to just come in a blow them out of the water and walk away with a big L on their foreheads. Coach House is never to happy with Drew and Drew is easily the best player on the team. He got them up by four by halftime and they held that lead until the fourth quarter with three minutes left. It all went downhill from there. They almost came back in the end, but Tomas tried being a hero and pulled up and shot. He got stuffed so hard that the ball went passed halfcourt. What will Coach House say about the loss.

Game 44-59

Tomas invited Drew over to his house, and Drew didn't really want to go, but he thought that he should be polite. So, Drew went to Tomas's house, and when they got there Tomas's mom asked Drew if he wanted any tea. He said sure and Tomas had to go get some. While the two waited for Tomas, they talked and Tomas's mom told him stories about back in Czech Republic. After that Drew and his mom went to a homeless shelter and donated food to them. A lot of the people were rude to them.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Game 32-44

Drew asks his little sister how school is going, and she says it is going alright. Than he asks her where the Czech Republic is and she says it is by Germany. She asks him why he asked her and he said that there was a new kid in his school from there. At their next game Coach House put the two new white guys in. Collin, the smaller guard, wasn't doing very good when he tried bringing the ball up. It would get stolen about every time, and the bigger guy was actually pretty good down in the post. He got blocked the first couple times he shot though.


Martin Luther King Jr. was a very brave man to stand up for human rights against all of the people that were against him. In the Holocaust Jews were viewed as less than humans, and in Martin Luther King's era Blacks were viewed as less than humans. They both abused their power by thinking that their race was the perfect race and any other races were bad. Martin Luther King spoke out against this terrible thing and wasn't silent anymore. The inhumane actions were that the Jews were put in death camps, concentration camps, and labor camps, and the blacks were put into slavery. The blacks also couldn't attend the same schools as the whites just like the Jews with the Germans. Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. were two main people that spoke out about slavery. There were people in Germany also speaking out about how horrific things were happening to the Jews and they tried to stop it.

third reich- common name for Germany under Hitler's reign
Treaty of Versailles- Peace treaty at the end of WW1, they lost the war, Germany had to pay 
propoganda-Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of the community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument.
chancellor- Position in the Government of many nations
dictator- doesn't rule through democratic means. Has full power of the government
Gestapo- secret police of Nazi Germany
compulsory-required by law or a rule
annex- to append or attach
ghetto- part of town which members of a minority group live
labor camp- simplified detention facility where inmates are forced to work
extermination camp- camps where people were systematically killed and worked with starvation conditions
The Final Solution- Germany's plan during WW2 to exterminate all of the Jews which resulted in the deadliest phase of the holocaust

I have seen on a TV show that when people babysit, they abuse their power by making the kids get them food and pop. They also make them feed themselves and do stuff themselves.  They abuse their power that the parents gave them.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Game 7-32

Drew is a very good basketball player. He is easily the best person on his team. He is leading the team in points, assists, and defense. Last year he got his team to the semifinals and he had scouts coming to look at him, and it was only his junior year. Now he is coming into his senior year hoping to get scouted by some Division 1 schools. Two new white kids came to their school and joined the basketball team. One was a little guard, and the other one was a 6'6" center that had broad shoulders and was muscular. There were reporters that came in and interview the big white center. His name was Tomas. What did they interview him about?

Friday, January 17, 2014

Game 1-7

Drew and his sister, Jocelyn are watching the news with their mom. On the news is stuff about the bad things that happen in their neighborhood. They live in Harlem and there is always bad stuff happening like shootings and stick ups. Drew's mom doesn't like it when there are bad things on the news about their neighborhood. She tells Drew to stay off of the streets and stay in the gym.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Summer Ball 220-239

Danny watched Zach play in the 11-12 year old championship that Zach easily won. He didn't even have to play the last 5 minutes because they were up by so much. Zach is a really good player and it looks like he is just on a different level than everyone else is. Danny is playing in the Championship now and he is playing the Lakers, Lamar's team. Lamar is a cocky kid that is the Laker's best player, but he doesn't play defense. They got down by 14 in the first half and cut it to 9 by the end of the third quarter. How will the Celtics do against a Laker nine point lead in the fourth quarter?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Summer Ball 204-218

Danny just threw his bowling ball pass and Coach Powers was not happy with him at all. He was yelling at Danny very loudly so that everyone in the gym could hear him. Until, Josh Cameron came over. Josh was one of Coach's friends that coached basketball as well and even played when he was younger. He said that it was a great pass that Danny made and said that he would have done the same thing. When Josh said that Coach Powers agreed with him and said that Danny was a great player.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Extermination Camps
Loss of food
Oscar Schindler
Packed in together
Rights stolen
The tunnel
Warsaw Ghetto
Zyklon B

Things that you couldn't change would affect you outcome. For example, if you had brown hair, instead of blonde hair, that could lead to your death. If you spoke out against Hitler, no matter who you are, there were still consequences for your actions. That lead people to be silent in their beliefs most of the time because you didn't know what other people were like so you usually didn't speak to anybody about not liking Hitler. There were two options, either be fully committed to Hitler's plan or be punished.

1. Adolf Hitler hated jews and other groups of people. He got this hatred from past experiences. World War one was hard on germany so hitler turned this recessionz against the jews. Nazis invaded Poland.
2.It ended the state of war between germany and the allied powers. They had to give up their weapons and make reparations.
3. Reich means “the state” the Third Reich was the third regime or empire
4. Hindenburg gave him the position of chancellor. Hitler has great war tactics and he is a great speaker.
5. He put the Jews and Polish in concentration camps just because he could. He judged people off of past experiences he had. He slaughtered them by gas chambers because he could and it showed his power
6. 1918 First WW ends
1919 Treaty of Versailles
1939 Hitler expresses his hatred of Jews
1942 Final Jew problem plan by Nazis
1944 D-Day
1945 Germany collapses
Germany takes over many other nations and they have great war tactics.

7. When the allied nations started to close in on Germany the Nazi forces spread themselves  to thin and the Allied nations took Germany. They starved.

Summer Ball 198-204

Danny and Ty woke up early in the morning so they could practice. They went onto one of the bad courts where they could practice by themselves. Danny tried to work on defense more than offense because that was what Coach Powers liked. When they got into the game there were twenty seconds left in the game and Rasheed was supposed to iso himself and get to the hoop but he got trapped and passed to Danny, but Danny wasn't open so he passed it back to Rasheed through the defender's legs. Rasheed couldn't catch it though. What will Coach Powers say to Danny next?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Summer Ball 186-197

The Celtics, Danny's team, was playing another team after losing two straight games. Danny knew he had to step up because their best player, Rasheed Hill, was out with a leg injury. Danny helped the team come back with the game winning shot that Danny assisted to Will Stoddard for the three to win the game. Danny played a great game and coach Powers was still not happy because Danny drew up his own play. What will Danny have to do in practice next?

Friday, January 10, 2014

Summer Ball 166-174

Danny is a small guy but he has a big brain to think of plays with. When the Celtics were down to their opponents by 1 point in the fourth quarter, Danny thought up a play. He would throw the ball at the back board so Rasheed could get it and lay it in easily. The play worked to perfection and Danny threw a perfect pass and Rasheed caught it midair and layed it right in.