Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Holocaust Vocab 2

SS/SA soldier or officer- they were on Hitler's side, SA wasn't fully committed to Hitler, but the SS was and they took over the SA
Kristallnacht- aka the Night of Broken Glass was a series of coordinated attacks on the Jews
Fuhrer- German title for the leader, used mostly with Hitler
rationing- controlled distribution of scarce resources

Jungvolk-youth organization in Nazi Germany for boys aged 10 to 14, and was a section of the Hitler Youth movement.
censorship- suppression of any information that is controlled by the government

Aryan- race that is supposedly the pure race
informers-person who provides privileged information about a person or organization to an agency
black market- underground economy where goods are traded illegally
shortwave radio- radio using higher frequencies
People's radio-range of radio receivers developed by engineer Otto Griesing
National Socialism- anti communist culture

1 comment:

  1. You have a good understanding of the vocab words. Good work.
