Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Martin Luther King Jr. was a very brave man to stand up for human rights against all of the people that were against him. In the Holocaust Jews were viewed as less than humans, and in Martin Luther King's era Blacks were viewed as less than humans. They both abused their power by thinking that their race was the perfect race and any other races were bad. Martin Luther King spoke out against this terrible thing and wasn't silent anymore. The inhumane actions were that the Jews were put in death camps, concentration camps, and labor camps, and the blacks were put into slavery. The blacks also couldn't attend the same schools as the whites just like the Jews with the Germans. Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. were two main people that spoke out about slavery. There were people in Germany also speaking out about how horrific things were happening to the Jews and they tried to stop it.

third reich- common name for Germany under Hitler's reign
Treaty of Versailles- Peace treaty at the end of WW1, they lost the war, Germany had to pay 
propoganda-Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of the community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument.
chancellor- Position in the Government of many nations
dictator- doesn't rule through democratic means. Has full power of the government
Gestapo- secret police of Nazi Germany
compulsory-required by law or a rule
annex- to append or attach
ghetto- part of town which members of a minority group live
labor camp- simplified detention facility where inmates are forced to work
extermination camp- camps where people were systematically killed and worked with starvation conditions
The Final Solution- Germany's plan during WW2 to exterminate all of the Jews which resulted in the deadliest phase of the holocaust

I have seen on a TV show that when people babysit, they abuse their power by making the kids get them food and pop. They also make them feed themselves and do stuff themselves.  They abuse their power that the parents gave them.

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