Monday, March 17, 2014

Gravediggers 224-242

Josephina, the girl whose mother is the Warden of the Island, helps Ian and PJ over the wall that leads outside. Ian and PJ know now that they must not stay with Danny and his crew. O'Dea stayed at the camp to get Kendra from Danny. While Kendra is in Danny's cabin looking at his studies, she hears a gunshot. She comes outside to see Danny with slimy blue liquid all over him and his partner. She hears them say that the two kids, her friends, Ian and PJ, jumped over the wall into the horde of zombies trying to escape. Kendra doesn't believe them, so when they leave, she goes to check the security cameras. When she gets there, she sees that her friends made it over the wall safely with Josephina. She then discovers his new plan: not a video game, but a real-life zombie apocalypse experience. He is going to give the zombies steroids so they are faster and more difficult to kill. He is going to practically invade Puerto Rico with zombies.

Gravediggers 182-200

Danny shows Kendra his work on the zombies and Kendra is really impressed with his research. Danny has a lab with a computer that talks to him. He can ask it pretty much anything and it will answer like an intelligent person would. When she tells Ian and PJ about Danny, Ian and PJ don't think that Danny is a good person. After they tell a person in the camp to go get them some food

Friday, March 14, 2014

BSP Review


Young German Boy Killed at Auschwitz?
Bruno Hoss, the son of the Commandant Hoss who presides over the Auschwitz Concentration Camp for the Jewish, has disappeared unexpectedly.  Local reporters say that a German soldier found his clothes near the fence of the camp. Upon further investigation it would appear that there was a fault in the fence where it reached the ground. Just big enough for a curious German boy to crawl through.  There is still no sign of young Bruno. Authorities are thinking that he crawled under the fence disguised as a Jew because his clothes were left outside of the fence. No one has any idea where or why Bruno had gotten the common Jewish Camp attire, or why he would want to go to the camp.
Bruno's Father is obviously terribly distraught over the death of one of his two children. He only had one thing to say, “My time here at Auschwitz has torn my family apart. I should have never agreed to this madness. I can see what this place actually is now, and its worse than where I am going.” The Commandant has sent his wife and his daughter back to Berlin to try and recollect what they have left.  The tragic story of such a young boy that was most likely killed by such a silly war is only one amongst many. Such terrible events seem to happen everyday and yet nothing is being done. When will the madness stop?

Gravediggers 144-158

Ian and PJ tie ropes to trees at about waist level to slow down the 300 zombies and hopefully take out the legs of a couple of them. On their fifth rope Ian notices some of the markings on the trees. They are the markings of witch like curlicues. Now that they notice them they see them all over the trees. They start moving toward where the cords of the security cameras lead to and find a huge cement wall. There is a tree next to it that is close enough to the wall to jump, but a guy comes out and pulls them in. Inside there are huts with thatched roofs and it is like a little village inside. A soldier leads them to a hut, and inside, there are white walls with TV screens all around the walls. The TV screens are attached to surveillance cameras all around the island. Also, inside of the room are O'Dean, Kendra, and this other boy that they have never seen before. Who is this boy?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Gravediggers 107-124

Ian was trying to carry PJ while running away from zombies when some monkeys snatched PJ up into the trees to get him away from the zombies. Ian was still on the ground but the monkeys were throwing rocks at the zombies and taking them out. After that epidemic, the monkeys showed Ian where they got their water. It was at this waterfall, and when Ian got there he took as many gulps as he could. Then, the monkeys lowered PJ down to Ian and Ian splashed water in PJ's face to wake him up. When he wakes up, a voice comes on the walkie talkie that they had found in the pit. The voice tells them that the monkeys respect them and that they should follow them because they know where to go. Where will the monkeys lead them?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Gravediggers 94-107

Ian almost walks into a huge pit full of spikes. The pit was covered by a tarp of green vegetation and Ian didn't see it and almost got killed by the spikes. A zombie was right on their tail, so PJ thought of a quick plan. If PJ stood between the zombie and the pit Ian could push the zombie in right before it got to PJ, but PJ would have to duck at the last second. So, when PJ got in front of the pit, he was calling the zombie to come get him. When the zombie got close enough PJ yelled go, but Ian wasn't there. PJ ducked, and he got lucky enough that the zombie lunged for him at the last second, and it tripped over the crouched PJ. What will the other zombies do?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Boy in Striped Pajamas Chapter 16-20

CH. 16 17
Mothers Medical Sherries are drinks of whiskey to help her cope with what is going on. Lt. Kotler has been moved away from the camp which makes Bruno a lot happier and is glad he is gone. We can only guess that this is because Mother and Lt. Kotler were having an affair and Father found out. Grandmother has passed away and the family goes back to berlin for awhile for the funeral. Father is rather distraught and so is Bruno realizing all the things he can no longer do with Grandmother. At the Funeral Grandmother receives several wreaths from other mourner and among them is one from Hitler, Father is rather proud of this but Mother knows that if Grandmother was still alive she would have had a fit because she was not in favor of Hitler and his cause or what Father is doing for the man. Gretel over this time is growing up and she no longer has her dolls on the shelves and instead has maps of europe. Bruno and Shmuel still meet every day and they are quite the friends. Mother and Father continue to argue as Bruno overhears and that they are fighting. One day Bruno and Gretel find lice in their hair and Bruno has all his hair shaved off, as he is looking at his new do he realizes that he looks alot like Shmuel without any hair. Chapter 17 is basically the beginning of the end for the book, Everything is changing and its not for the better the ways things are looking.

Ch. 18
The end of the book is definitely a rather shocking ending. I really do like the ending  but I do have some complaints to. The ending has to end with the author mentioning that what Hitler did obviously can’t happen again and it seems that he has a little sarcasm in his voice when he says that people are now better than that, honestly it is a little insulting that he thinks there is still another disastor like the holocaust on the horizon.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Gravediggers 32-51

O'Dea tells Kendra, Ian, and PJ that it is their duty to go to Puerto Rico. She tells them that they are the chosen ones and they are probably needed there. O'Dea finally tells them that there are going with them to Puerto Rico because there are probably going to be other wardens there. When they get there, PJ's mom is really protective and asks him about his sunblock and his sunglasses and if he has them.

Gravediggers 21-36

Ian, PJ, and Kendra are gravediggers. O'Dea turned them into gravediggers. Ian, PJ, and Kendra have suspiciously won a free vacation trip to Puerto Rico in a lottery, even though PJ never put his name into it. Kendra tries to convince her dad not to go because some dark forces have to be at play if all three of them won the trip. They all agree to meet at the cemetery at eight o'clock to discuss the trip. When they get there, the gates are locked and PJ pulls out a zombie's hand and they all touch it and a blinding light appears and the chains fall right off the gates. O'Dea ends up being in the cemetery and she explains how nothing is going to be luck any more because they destroyed those zombies on the mountain, but instead, it will be because of dark magic. She also said that they must go to Puerto Rico. What will happen at Puerto Rico?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

BSP 14 and 15

Bruno after living at “Out-With” and talking to Shmuel is still oblivious to what is really going on, on the other side of the fence. One day when Bruno goes to meet Shmuel he finds that Shmuel has a black eye and thinks that bullies have been picking on Shmuel. He has no idea where he would have actually gotten this. Bruno and Shmuel meet every day and when Bruno doesn’t get to meet him one particular rainy day and he malines some of the stories Shmuel had told him to Gretel and realized how much Shmuel in the kitchen and was shocked to find him there.  Lt Kotler brought Shmuel to the party to work.  In personal opinion, I think mother is have an affair w/ Lt Kotler.  “Oh, Kurt, precious, you're still here,” said Mother.  ¨I have a little free time now if---" Then mother notices Bruno.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 319-327

Bronwyn thought all spontaneously and made a quick decision to charge at the wight, Golan. When she got close enough, she threw the door that she was using as protection against Golan's bullets, at him. After he was hit he must have gotten up because they could hear him going up the stairs of the lighthouse. When they get up to the top of the lighthouse, Golan threatens to throw the birds over the edge, into the ocean. Jacob had Golan's gun now and had it pointed at him. Golan threw the birds over the edge and into the ocean. Emma grabbed Golan by the throat. Jacob still had the gun pointed at Golan. Will Jacob man up and pull the trigger?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Boy in Striped Pajamas Chapter 11-13

CH 11. Hitler will be joining Bruno and the family for diiner and the author describes Hitler in some great detail, he describes him as a rather short man and thin patch of mustache on his upper lip. These are fairly based on real life and is a fairly accurate description of the man.

Ch 12. The star of david arm bands represented the Jewish and the Swastika represented the Nazi regime. Shmuel being Jewish was forced to move away from his house into a Ghetto and then eventually to Auschwitz. All of those people on the other side of the wall are Jewish

Ch 13 Bruno is still confused about what is going on at “Out With”, he questions Maria about Pavel and what he said about being a Doctor and not a Waiter. Maria however just confuses him more and this gets Bruno no closer to knowing what is actually going on. At dinner Pavel is growing old and Bruno is noticing. He is struggling holding the plates, leans against the wall, and doesn’t hear mother or father until the third or second time. Pavel accidentally spills wine on Kotler and something unimaginable happens. What it was we do not know.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 290-297

Enoch, Bronwyn, Emma, and Jacob all go to the market where they sell fish in freezers. Martin's body is in one of the freezers and Enoch brought a lot of sheep hearts to put into Martin's body to bring him back to life. Enoch is a dead-riser; he can bring bodies back to life for periods of time. So, when Martin wakes up, Jacob talks to Martin about the night of the murder. And when Jacob asks who did it, Martin looks to the doorway and says, "Him!" Who is it and what are they going to do?