Monday, March 17, 2014

Gravediggers 224-242

Josephina, the girl whose mother is the Warden of the Island, helps Ian and PJ over the wall that leads outside. Ian and PJ know now that they must not stay with Danny and his crew. O'Dea stayed at the camp to get Kendra from Danny. While Kendra is in Danny's cabin looking at his studies, she hears a gunshot. She comes outside to see Danny with slimy blue liquid all over him and his partner. She hears them say that the two kids, her friends, Ian and PJ, jumped over the wall into the horde of zombies trying to escape. Kendra doesn't believe them, so when they leave, she goes to check the security cameras. When she gets there, she sees that her friends made it over the wall safely with Josephina. She then discovers his new plan: not a video game, but a real-life zombie apocalypse experience. He is going to give the zombies steroids so they are faster and more difficult to kill. He is going to practically invade Puerto Rico with zombies.

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