Friday, March 14, 2014

BSP Review


Young German Boy Killed at Auschwitz?
Bruno Hoss, the son of the Commandant Hoss who presides over the Auschwitz Concentration Camp for the Jewish, has disappeared unexpectedly.  Local reporters say that a German soldier found his clothes near the fence of the camp. Upon further investigation it would appear that there was a fault in the fence where it reached the ground. Just big enough for a curious German boy to crawl through.  There is still no sign of young Bruno. Authorities are thinking that he crawled under the fence disguised as a Jew because his clothes were left outside of the fence. No one has any idea where or why Bruno had gotten the common Jewish Camp attire, or why he would want to go to the camp.
Bruno's Father is obviously terribly distraught over the death of one of his two children. He only had one thing to say, “My time here at Auschwitz has torn my family apart. I should have never agreed to this madness. I can see what this place actually is now, and its worse than where I am going.” The Commandant has sent his wife and his daughter back to Berlin to try and recollect what they have left.  The tragic story of such a young boy that was most likely killed by such a silly war is only one amongst many. Such terrible events seem to happen everyday and yet nothing is being done. When will the madness stop?

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