Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Outsiders

Chapter 3- I think the difference between the two social classes is the way that they live their life. Soc's are kind of always involved in activities and extracurricular activities and don't really get to live life. While Greasers are kind of out going partyers that don't really participate in hardly anything, but their lives are usually unstable. I would rather be a soc because they have nice families and aren't living on the streets and they have a stable lifestyle.
Chapter 4-Bob is laying on the ground by a big water fountain with a big hole in his head where Johnny stabbed him with a knife after Bob was trying to drown Ponyboy. There is a cigarette on the ground close by and there is blood everywhere along with water splashed outside of the fountain, so there was something that happened in the water that caused it to splash over. Johnny should be charged for murder, Ponyboy for an accomplice. Randy, Paul, and Ponyboy are witnesses. Johnny- Murderer, Bob-Victim, Ponyboy, Randy, Paul-Witnesses. Weapons- Knife
1. He bought a book, peroxide, a deck of cards, box of matches, a week supply of baloney, two loaves of bread, a paper back copy of Gone with the Wind
2. Ponyboy cuts his hair short and bleached and Johnny just cuts his hair.
3. They read Gone with the Wind and played poker
4.He was getting sick of all of the baloney. They had eaten all of the candy bars on the first two days and was craving a pepsi. He got sick from all of the smoking on an empty stomach.
5. They are probably worried sick and they want him back.
6. They started a war and picked up a spy.
7.Cherry Valance

8.They start a war

Chapter 9- Discipline the people who take it too far. Take away the movie or give detentions. Make them change
Chapter 10- Gallant-brave, courageous. I don't think so. I think that you can be brave but don't do good with your bravery, but a hero is a person that does good for others. Dally got sentenced to jail but never broke down or anything. Dally knew what to do when Pony and Johnny came up to him and needed a plan. I don't think this makes him a hero. It could make him a hero in Pony and Johnny's eyes though.
Chapter 11-He recovered pretty fast. He smoked while he was recovering. Randy came to visit Ponyboy and so did the rest of Ponyboy's gang. Some of the visitors were from school and they weren't really buddies of Pony's, they were just school friends. They were from nicer houses and then they came to Pony's house that wasn't very nice. Pony and Darry fight a lot, but I think that they still love each other.
Chapter 12- Pony didn't get sentenced to anything. Everything went back to normal. I agree that with the outcome. The purpose of the book is to stick with your family through thick and thin. It is from Pony's point of view thinking back on Johnny and Dally.

Reaction- I liked the story of the book. It is a good plot line. I like how there was different kinds of people and how they got into wars and battles.

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