Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pavel Revised(The New One)

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 244-

When Jacob and Emma were on their date, Jacob figured out that he was one of the Peculiar Children, too. He can see the monsters that no one else can see, just like his grandfather. Their date was ended abruptly when Hugh and Fiona were screaming their name to come home fast. So, they did and there was a terrible thing that happened. Miss Avocet's loop had been attacked by wights, and the wights had abducted another ymbryne and other Peculiar Children. After that Jacob demands that Miss Peregrine tell him what killed his grandfather. Jacob and Miss Peregrine go somewhere else to talk and Miss Peregrine tells him what a wight is. Then Jacob thinks that he has probably seen two wights in his life. Wights don't have pupils. What will the wights do to Jacob?

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 240-244

Jacob and Emma are supposed to go on a date late at night, and when Jacob gets there Emma brings him to the beach where she quickly changes into her swimsuit. Emma tells Jacob that he will have to go in his underwear, and when Jacob doesn't want to, Emma tackles him to the ground, and she tries to take them off for him. Eventually, Jacob takes them off and they ride in a canoe to a shipwreck.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Boy in Striped Pajamas Chapter 9 and 10

Bruno has changed a lot over his time at “Out- With”, he has grown and is getting older. Bruno now has a tutor and doesn’t write to his grandparents anymore. Brunos tutor even refers to him as a “young man”. However, Bruno is still stuck in Berlin, he remembers exploring the house and thinks he should do the same here. He begins wondering what this house actually holds within, and what it actually means that they have to live her. He wonders about the people that have to wear Pajamas and why they were selected to wear Pajamas and why they follow the other Nazi’s lead. He thinks that by now he would have had some of those people to dinner and why he hasn’t talked to them. Bruno has also been looking at a bench from his window and wants to know what it says. While he explorers he finds out what it says and it turns out it was dedicated to the dedication of Out With.

Chapter 10      
 The first time Bruno and Shmuel meet Bruno was in full explorer mode and at first was very cautious approaching the boy in front of him. When he finally approached the boy they both said hello and sized each other up. Bruno noticed that the boy was smaller than him and much thinner and sadder than he was. He mentioned that he has been exploring to the boy for over two hours, the boy asked if he found anything, so Bruno replied that he had found him.  Bruno knew there was something different about this boy, the way he looks and the way he acts. As it will turn out they share the same birthday and they are the same age. Bruno decides that he misses having friends and thinks that Shmuel will be the perfect friend, them practically being friends. Shmuel actually speaks two languages and this is amazing to Bruno, he doesn’t know anyone who can speak two languages.

Long Shot 174-182

Pedro is kind of nervous for the election. He had done all that he could do with his amazing speech, and now it was up to the people of Vernon Middle School. All day, Pedro was trying to act as if he didn't care, but he did. He cared as much about this as anything that had ever happened to him in sports. And when Mr. Lucchino's voice came on the intercom and said that Pedro Morales and Sarah Layng were President and Vice President, Pedro felt as if he could hear that whole school cheer for him. Even better yet, Pedro won his starting spot back on the team. Coach Cory pulled him aside in their practice that evening and told him that he would be starting the next game.

Friday, February 21, 2014



Long Shot 142-170

Pedro goes to talk to his dad, Luis, about what is happening on the court. Luis is unpacking dinner plates that he ordered from California for his shop, and Pedro wants to help him unpack. Luis talks him up and gives him some advice. The next day Pedro has to give his speech in front of the whole school. The speech is on who is going to be president with Pedro Morales and Ned Hancock running for the position. Ned is the first on to go, and he looks like he just made up his speech on the spot. Ned kept talking about how he was always the captain of all of his teams and how he was such a great athlete. Then Pedro went up and gave his speech, and it was great. He talked about how he was never the greatest athlete, but he was always a great team player. He said that he wasn't here to make himself look good, but make everyone look good. Pedro got a standing ovation. How will Ned react on the basketball court now?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Long Shot 124-136

Pedro's basketball team is going against the Warriors, and the Warriors are the best team in the league. They have two of the best players in the county, Nate Clark and Kyle Sullivan. Ned, the teams best player tries to guard Nate, who is on fire and is schooling Ned. But Ned stayed on him for the rest of the game. When Pedro his Ned wide open in his money spot with 5 seconds left, Ned passed it back to Pedro for the game winning shot, and Pedro missed it. The team wasn't very happy that they had missed the chance to

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Long Shot 99-121

Pedro and his mom are downstairs watching the game and talking about Pedro's dad, Luis's, job. Pedro's mom doesn't usually watch any basketball game with Pedro, but Luis is gone tonight working. Luis might get laid off soon and Pedro doesn't like the thought of that, but Pedro knows that his dad won't give up. The next day at practice Pedro goes as hard as he can, and at the end of practice, he picks Ned, the best player on the team's, pocket and goes down the court and scores the game winning basket. Ned wasn't very happy about that at all, and at the next game Ned tried to make Pedro look bad. Ned was cutting to the hoop off of a designed play and Pedro through the ball right as Ned stopped. The ball went flying out of bounds. On defense Pedro was guarding his guy when all of a sudden he got blind-sided by a screen that Ned never called out. How will Pedro react?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Chapter 6 BSP

Maria has been the family Maid for awhile, Bruno can remember her from when he could remember. Bruno considers her apart of the family although she feels different. Maria was taken off the streets by Father. Maria thinks rather highly of Father and repreamands Bruno for calling him Stupid. Maria thinks highly of father and respects him for doing what he did. Taking someone of the streets and paying for someone else but family in the Hospital is a big deal.  This changes Brunos out look at Mariaand his father for doing such amazing things for someone else. Bruno also looks differently at Maria differently, as a real person  and not just a mindless maid.

Chapter 4 and 5 Boy in Striped Pajamas

Bruno and Gretel are still very innocent  about the World War, they have no idea what is going on from the concentration camp to not understanding what their father does. They are not oblivious to the fact but rather that they don’t know what else to think.  The house is most likely in Auschwitz, Bruno and Gretel aon’t know what they were looking at through Bruno’s window but it was most likely the concentration camp. They mention seeing a chain gang and soldiers marching the people around. Even Bruno is realizing that this is no place to raise a family, he may be a helpless child but he realizes that this place is bad. Bruno is beginning to hate the house more and more, he doesn’t understand why his father would take a job here, but Bruno doesn’t know that his dad most likely didn’t even have the choice. Bruno’s mother is definitely not the biggest supporter of this but she knows what it means to her family, she wants to keep them together even if it means living on a Concentration camp, she may not even support the Nazi’s but she knows her husband is a High Ranking officer and she needs to respect that.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Boy in the Striped Pajamas Chapter 2 and 3

Bruno: The 8 year old boy who is saddened about the move; main character.
Mother: Girl that raises Bruno and Gretel, and is sad about moving in a way.
Father: High rank Nazi Soldier who has to move for his job.
Gretel: The “hopeless case” sister to Bruno.
Maria: The family maid that hasn’t said a word yet.
Karl: Bruno’s friend that has a dad that is a chef.
Daniel: One of Bruno’s friends.
Martin: One of Bruno’s Friends.
Lars: The family butler.
Grandma: The grandparent that lives near Bruno
Grandpa: Other grandparent that lives near Bruno.
The Scrawny Soldier- Official Looking man that didn’t know what to do with Bruno

The three new maids and the old man who looked very unhappy. We can only guess that these are Jews that were set aside to assist the family. These is also a Nazi soldier who must be working for Father. When Bruno looked out the window he saw the kids in it. Bruno has no idea what it is he just doesn’t like the look of it.  Bruno doesn’t have the best relationship with Gretel, he thinks she is boring and bland, but he respects her and is almost afraid of her. Bruno really has no idea what is going on, he doesn’t know what the concentration camp is and he can’t say Auschwitz so he says Out-With instead. I don’t think he realizes how long they will be at the house either, he doesn't realize what his dad does nor why they have to move

Friday, February 7, 2014

Long Shot 64-81

Pedro is running against Ned, the most popular kid and also the best basketball player, for class President. Ned and Pedro's relationship starts going downhill big time. It is even transferring over to basketball and Pedro is starting to lose his starting point guard position because Ned is trying to make him look worse than the second string kid. Ned's plan is working and Pedro is starting to lose more and more playing time. On the next Saturday, when Pedro and his dad, Luis, got done playing soccer, Luis noticed something was wrong with Pedro and Pedro said that it was with basketball. Pedro said that he just isn't very good at basketball anymore. He didn't tell Luis about Ned. What will Luis think?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Helmuth Final Thoughts

When Helmuth was a little kid, he adored Hitler and the Nazi soldiers. Then, when he grew older, his grandparents, Oma and Opa kept bashing on Hitler. He realized that they weren't very good people, and he saw what they did to the innocent Jews. Then, Hugo married Mutti, Helmuth's mother, and Hugo was a high ranking military person in the army, so Helmuth didn't really look up to him at all. Helmuth has two brothers, Gerhard and Hans. Hans is a ship builder and Gerhard was a soldier. One day Gerhard brought home a shortwave radio and told Helmuth not to listen to it. When Gerhard left for the war, Helmuth disobeyed Gerhard and listened to a British frequency. The British said all of the German deaths and the British deaths, and their broadcasting station seemed more legit than the German stations because they talked about their own deaths, too. So, Helmuth believed them, and him and his friends, Rudi and Karl, started making flyers. They put the flyers in peoples pockets and gave them to all kinds of people. One day they eventually got caught and Helmuth took all of the blame for it. They went to court and Helmuth made the Judges mad and they gave Helmuth a death sentence and his friends went to jail for ten, five, and four years. Helmuth died on the 264th day in prison.

1. Helmuth died a happy death and I think that it was worth it because he told a lot of people the truth about Germany.
2. I think the flashbacks help out with the book and make it more interesting. I liked the flashbacks.
3. I think they were less guilty because it was Helmuth's idea to listen to the radio and make the pamphlets.
4. I don't think that it was fair that Helmuth got the death penalty because he was just telling the truth. I agree that Helmuth shoud have gotten a longer sentence, but not the death penalty.
5. I think Helmuth's death made an impact on Mutti and she will probably believe Helmuth now. I think she would speak out more because her son was willing to die for his beliefs.
6. Gerhard will probably believe Helmuth about the German deaths and Gerhard will speak out more instead of staying silent.

Long Shot 32-52

Pedro is running for class President and so is the star of the basketball team, Ned. Pedro isn't sure that he will win, but at lunch his friends talk him up and say that they will help him win. Their school takes class president way more serious than ours and they have a huge assembly on it. Ned is the first one to go up and say that he wants to run for President. Ned and Pedro are the only two running for President. When Ned went up he got a huge applause, but when Pedro went up he got nothing, just the rustling of clothes in the background.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Long Shot 15-32

Pedro's father, Luis, and Pedro are outside on a Saturday morning playing soccer when they take a rest. Luis asks how Pedro could love basketball more than soccer, and Pedro says that he just does. Back to basketball, Pedro was more of a passer than a shooter. If he saw an opening in the court, he knew he could make the pass, but if he was left with an open fifteen or twenty foot shot, he would only hope that he could make it. So, he worked on his shooting as much as he could so he could be a complete player. Pedro waited to tell his friend, Joe Sutter, until lunch the next day. What will his friends think of his idea.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Long Shot 1-15

Ned is a very good basketball player, and he is probably the best sixth grader in town. Pedro is the point guard of their team and Pedro knows that it is always Ned's game and everyone else is just playing in it. Pedro also like to play soccer, and Pedro and his dad Luis would play soccer every Saturday morning. Pedro and Luis both loved those days and wouldn't give up anything for them. Luis owns a restaurant.

The Boy Who Dared Power

Helmuth's teacher abuses his power by not acting the same towards the Jews in Helmuth's class. This impacts Helmuth's life by affecting Helmuth's view of the Nazis and Jews. He doesn't see why people don't like Jews because they are normal people just like Helmuth.

I am inferring that Helmuth will listen to the radio when Gerhard leaves and he will get caught by someone and he will get sent to prison.

Game 191-205

Drew's team is in the Championship game against Franklin K. Lane. Everybody knows their school. You had to be a really good ball player to play on their team. Every kid would be outside on the playground showing off their basketball skills and you always had to look back to see who was catching you talent wise. They were a good fast paced team that ran the court and they were up by seven at halftime and up by nine in the third quarter. Lane ended up winning the game with a buzzer beater that just barely rolled in.