Monday, February 17, 2014

Chapter 4 and 5 Boy in Striped Pajamas

Bruno and Gretel are still very innocent  about the World War, they have no idea what is going on from the concentration camp to not understanding what their father does. They are not oblivious to the fact but rather that they don’t know what else to think.  The house is most likely in Auschwitz, Bruno and Gretel aon’t know what they were looking at through Bruno’s window but it was most likely the concentration camp. They mention seeing a chain gang and soldiers marching the people around. Even Bruno is realizing that this is no place to raise a family, he may be a helpless child but he realizes that this place is bad. Bruno is beginning to hate the house more and more, he doesn’t understand why his father would take a job here, but Bruno doesn’t know that his dad most likely didn’t even have the choice. Bruno’s mother is definitely not the biggest supporter of this but she knows what it means to her family, she wants to keep them together even if it means living on a Concentration camp, she may not even support the Nazi’s but she knows her husband is a High Ranking officer and she needs to respect that.

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