Friday, February 21, 2014

Long Shot 142-170

Pedro goes to talk to his dad, Luis, about what is happening on the court. Luis is unpacking dinner plates that he ordered from California for his shop, and Pedro wants to help him unpack. Luis talks him up and gives him some advice. The next day Pedro has to give his speech in front of the whole school. The speech is on who is going to be president with Pedro Morales and Ned Hancock running for the position. Ned is the first on to go, and he looks like he just made up his speech on the spot. Ned kept talking about how he was always the captain of all of his teams and how he was such a great athlete. Then Pedro went up and gave his speech, and it was great. He talked about how he was never the greatest athlete, but he was always a great team player. He said that he wasn't here to make himself look good, but make everyone look good. Pedro got a standing ovation. How will Ned react on the basketball court now?

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