Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Boy in Striped Pajamas Chapter 9 and 10

Bruno has changed a lot over his time at “Out- With”, he has grown and is getting older. Bruno now has a tutor and doesn’t write to his grandparents anymore. Brunos tutor even refers to him as a “young man”. However, Bruno is still stuck in Berlin, he remembers exploring the house and thinks he should do the same here. He begins wondering what this house actually holds within, and what it actually means that they have to live her. He wonders about the people that have to wear Pajamas and why they were selected to wear Pajamas and why they follow the other Nazi’s lead. He thinks that by now he would have had some of those people to dinner and why he hasn’t talked to them. Bruno has also been looking at a bench from his window and wants to know what it says. While he explorers he finds out what it says and it turns out it was dedicated to the dedication of Out With.

Chapter 10      
 The first time Bruno and Shmuel meet Bruno was in full explorer mode and at first was very cautious approaching the boy in front of him. When he finally approached the boy they both said hello and sized each other up. Bruno noticed that the boy was smaller than him and much thinner and sadder than he was. He mentioned that he has been exploring to the boy for over two hours, the boy asked if he found anything, so Bruno replied that he had found him.  Bruno knew there was something different about this boy, the way he looks and the way he acts. As it will turn out they share the same birthday and they are the same age. Bruno decides that he misses having friends and thinks that Shmuel will be the perfect friend, them practically being friends. Shmuel actually speaks two languages and this is amazing to Bruno, he doesn’t know anyone who can speak two languages.

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