Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Outsiders

Chapter 3- I think the difference between the two social classes is the way that they live their life. Soc's are kind of always involved in activities and extracurricular activities and don't really get to live life. While Greasers are kind of out going partyers that don't really participate in hardly anything, but their lives are usually unstable. I would rather be a soc because they have nice families and aren't living on the streets and they have a stable lifestyle.
Chapter 4-Bob is laying on the ground by a big water fountain with a big hole in his head where Johnny stabbed him with a knife after Bob was trying to drown Ponyboy. There is a cigarette on the ground close by and there is blood everywhere along with water splashed outside of the fountain, so there was something that happened in the water that caused it to splash over. Johnny should be charged for murder, Ponyboy for an accomplice. Randy, Paul, and Ponyboy are witnesses. Johnny- Murderer, Bob-Victim, Ponyboy, Randy, Paul-Witnesses. Weapons- Knife
1. He bought a book, peroxide, a deck of cards, box of matches, a week supply of baloney, two loaves of bread, a paper back copy of Gone with the Wind
2. Ponyboy cuts his hair short and bleached and Johnny just cuts his hair.
3. They read Gone with the Wind and played poker
4.He was getting sick of all of the baloney. They had eaten all of the candy bars on the first two days and was craving a pepsi. He got sick from all of the smoking on an empty stomach.
5. They are probably worried sick and they want him back.
6. They started a war and picked up a spy.
7.Cherry Valance

8.They start a war

Chapter 9- Discipline the people who take it too far. Take away the movie or give detentions. Make them change
Chapter 10- Gallant-brave, courageous. I don't think so. I think that you can be brave but don't do good with your bravery, but a hero is a person that does good for others. Dally got sentenced to jail but never broke down or anything. Dally knew what to do when Pony and Johnny came up to him and needed a plan. I don't think this makes him a hero. It could make him a hero in Pony and Johnny's eyes though.
Chapter 11-He recovered pretty fast. He smoked while he was recovering. Randy came to visit Ponyboy and so did the rest of Ponyboy's gang. Some of the visitors were from school and they weren't really buddies of Pony's, they were just school friends. They were from nicer houses and then they came to Pony's house that wasn't very nice. Pony and Darry fight a lot, but I think that they still love each other.
Chapter 12- Pony didn't get sentenced to anything. Everything went back to normal. I agree that with the outcome. The purpose of the book is to stick with your family through thick and thin. It is from Pony's point of view thinking back on Johnny and Dally.

Reaction- I liked the story of the book. It is a good plot line. I like how there was different kinds of people and how they got into wars and battles.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

S. E. Hinton

Susan Eloise Hinton
Birthdate: July 22, 1948
Location: Born and Raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Education: Will Rogers High School, University of Tulsa
Likes: She likes reading, writing, and horseback riding
Interests: Reading, Writing, Watching movies
Interesting Facts about her life: used initials so not to give away her gender
List of Books: The Outsiders, Rumble Fish, Tex, Hawks Harbor, Tim's Stories, Big David, Little David, That Was Then, This is Now

Type of books she usually writes: she writes young adult novels usually based in Oklahoma, she writes because she likes to,
Awards, Honors, Accomplishments-Margaret Edwards Award
New York Herald Tribune Best Teenage Books List, 1967

Chicago Tribune Book World Spring Book Festival Honor Book, 1967
Media and Methods Maxi Award, 1975
American Library Association Best Young Adults Books, 1975
Massachusetts Children's Book Award, 1979
Photo of the Author:
Prediction: I think the book will be about a high school setting with different characters. I'm not sure if I will like it or not.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Giver Popcorn Maker
Created by Justin Mohr, Taylor Peterson-Schroeder, and Dawson Bock

What Works- The plotline is a pretty good story. They could keep the escaping from the community.

What Doesn't Work-They could jazz up the ending of the book.

What Changes would need to be made- The ending of the book

What Changes you notice- The end was changed to being abducted by an alien ship, instead of sledding down a hill

Thought provoking question or statement to make the viewer want to see the movie- Giving painful memories to people who have only ever experienced a pain like a jammed finger could end up in mass chaos. How will they keep the community from breaking out into a mad house.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Giver Chapters 1-12

Chapter1- I think being released would mean being killed. Johas made the joke about his friend being released after messing up in soccer and he got a serious reprimanding because of it. Its nothing to joke about. Its a perfect community, everyone is the same and no one is extremely different. There aren't any cars, you don't get to choose your jobs, nearly everything it completely different.
Chapter 2- It would be pretty terrible. Your birthday would be just like a holiday, everyone would share it together. ON the plus side, you really wouldn't have to remember your friends or your family's birthdays because they were all on the same day, but it would still be weird the thought that everyone in you community would have been "born" on the same day. I feel like I would be an Engineer like Father's friend that he mentions. If I were a part of their community I think the elders would realize my interest in building things.
Chapter 3-Jonas notices that the eyes of Gabriel are like his, they are lighter than everyone else's and Jonas has only ever know one other girl with the same pale eyes as him. I would feel very self conscious. Everything I would do I would think about everything very decisively, thinking about absolutely everything before I did something. I do think something is different about Jonas because he saw the apple. I don't know what it means and apparently nor does Jonas.
Chapter 4-The community has so many rules to keep everything in perfect order and everyone the same. If there weren't so many rules people would have the chance to be different and then it wouldn't be the perfect community. Some of the rules are naturals things like not to brag and to not hoard food and things that honestly should be naturally done. But they also have rules that are designed just for the perfect world and the people in it. I honestly kind of like the rules to and extent. It seems to make everyone nicer and people just get along better, but at the same time sometimes I like to differ from the larger body, do things on my I think these rules will come in later when Jonas breaks them for whichever different life he will eventually start looking for.
I think each personnel is watched very carefully even after there assighnment an into adult hood. That way they can sort of find out what would be the perfect match for the famiy unit and who would be the best to raise familys together.
I would feel scared and hopeful at the same time. The chief isn't the kind to forget someone, so she had to of done it on purpose. Now whether that was a good thing or a bad thing would be impossible to tell. Maybe she is giving you a very special assignment that would be very prestigious. Maybe she is skipping you because you don't get an assignment.

Pros-Its a good story, releasing mystery, Jonas has stirrings, pills,

Cons- Think of what release is, teaching siblings to ride bikes,

Changes- put a cute boy in it thats older than 12 like the real movie,

CHAPTER 8-I think he can see things that no one else can. I think he can see the future and what will happen to the object. I would rather be assigned a job because I feel like the elders would know what job would be best for me.
CHAPTER 9-I think they can change because they are considered adults now. I think they will change because Jonas won't be able to even see Asher anymore. I think Jonas finds it unsettling because he could have been lied to before and he could have been lied to his whole life.
CHAPTER 10-You wouldn't have any privacy, you can't hide anything from anyone. He doesn't know about any history or future of anything, he is only concentrated on his present life. You are really concerned about any of the outside world. It would be peaceful because you would have very much stress, but it would be monotonous because you are enjoying any of the outside world's great things.
CHAPTER 11- It would be weird to never experience anything other than the present world and only things that concern you.
CHAPTER 12- I would probably miss the color blue because there are many different shades of it and it is a soothing color. The sky is blue and it would be weird to not have a sky. Sameness would be weird because it would be the same thing every day.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Gravediggers 224-242

Josephina, the girl whose mother is the Warden of the Island, helps Ian and PJ over the wall that leads outside. Ian and PJ know now that they must not stay with Danny and his crew. O'Dea stayed at the camp to get Kendra from Danny. While Kendra is in Danny's cabin looking at his studies, she hears a gunshot. She comes outside to see Danny with slimy blue liquid all over him and his partner. She hears them say that the two kids, her friends, Ian and PJ, jumped over the wall into the horde of zombies trying to escape. Kendra doesn't believe them, so when they leave, she goes to check the security cameras. When she gets there, she sees that her friends made it over the wall safely with Josephina. She then discovers his new plan: not a video game, but a real-life zombie apocalypse experience. He is going to give the zombies steroids so they are faster and more difficult to kill. He is going to practically invade Puerto Rico with zombies.

Gravediggers 182-200

Danny shows Kendra his work on the zombies and Kendra is really impressed with his research. Danny has a lab with a computer that talks to him. He can ask it pretty much anything and it will answer like an intelligent person would. When she tells Ian and PJ about Danny, Ian and PJ don't think that Danny is a good person. After they tell a person in the camp to go get them some food

Friday, March 14, 2014

BSP Review


Young German Boy Killed at Auschwitz?
Bruno Hoss, the son of the Commandant Hoss who presides over the Auschwitz Concentration Camp for the Jewish, has disappeared unexpectedly.  Local reporters say that a German soldier found his clothes near the fence of the camp. Upon further investigation it would appear that there was a fault in the fence where it reached the ground. Just big enough for a curious German boy to crawl through.  There is still no sign of young Bruno. Authorities are thinking that he crawled under the fence disguised as a Jew because his clothes were left outside of the fence. No one has any idea where or why Bruno had gotten the common Jewish Camp attire, or why he would want to go to the camp.
Bruno's Father is obviously terribly distraught over the death of one of his two children. He only had one thing to say, “My time here at Auschwitz has torn my family apart. I should have never agreed to this madness. I can see what this place actually is now, and its worse than where I am going.” The Commandant has sent his wife and his daughter back to Berlin to try and recollect what they have left.  The tragic story of such a young boy that was most likely killed by such a silly war is only one amongst many. Such terrible events seem to happen everyday and yet nothing is being done. When will the madness stop?