Friday, October 25, 2013

Crime Scene Investigation

James King and Steve plan the crime on 144th street.
They decide that they should rob an illegal immigrant or someone with a green card.
Steve goes into the drugstore to see if the coast is clear.
King and Bobo enter the store to rob for money.
Nesbitt pulls a gun to protect himself.
There is a struggle and Nesbitt ends up dead.
King and Bobo were the two that struggled with him.
Jose comes back to the store and finds Nesbitt's body.
He calls the police.
Bobo sells cigarettes to Bolden.
Bolden tells Zinzi about the cigarettes that he bought.
Bolden and Zinzi use the information about the crime to lessen their charge and get out of prison.
Osvaldo Cruz accepts the plea bargain and testifies for the prosecution.
Steve and King are questioned and ultimately charged with felony and murder.
At the crime scene, no clear fingerprints are found on the register or the counter.
Detectives are relying only on testimonies for their information about the crime scene from Jose, Bobo, and Osvaldo Cruz.

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