Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Summer Ball 148- 155

Will and Ty told Tarik about what they did the other night and how they snuck across the lake to go see Tess, Danny's "girlfriend." Tarik said that Danny couldn't just sit on the bench and watch them while he was "hurt" and Danny should at least try to be a motivator of the team. At one point Danny got in the game, and he and Rasheed were actually working good together as if nothing in the past had actually happened. They had one thing set on their mind: to win the game. It was 65- 64 with 20 seconds left in the game and Coach Powers drew up a play that had Rasheed taking the game winning shot no matter what. Well, in the game, Rasheed got triple-teamed and was forced to pass the ball back to Danny. Danny drove like the coach told him to and he looked for Rasheed, but Rasheed was still getting double-teamed. So, Danny wanted to take the game into his own hands, but when he did a step-back to free himself and got a clear open shot, he air-balled it. What will coach Ed Powers make them do next?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Summer Ball 129-141

Danny and his friends stole a canoe and are trying to get across the lake that separates Danny and Tess, this girl he likes from back home.  When they were about thirty yards away Danny got really excited and was going to stand up on the bench that had gotten wet on the way to Tess's uncle's place and when Danny tried to stand on it, he slipped and fell right into the freezing water of Coffee Lake. When Danny got out Tess said that Will, Ty, and Zach could go into the house and watch TV with her uncle while Tess got Danny towels to dry off in. Danny and Tess sat outside and talked for a long time. Danny told her all of what happened and she said that he shouldn't quit, he should stay with it. Tess kept talking him up until Will said that they should probably leave so they wouldn't get in trouble.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Summer Ball 115-128

Danny gets injured like he wanted. He was hoping it was more serious than it was, so he could go home because nobody really seemed to like him at camp, especially Ed Powers. His knee was only sprained, but he still called his parents to ask them what to do, but they didn't answer the phone. So he was going to e-mail his mom on one of their computers and they said it was fine. So, when he got on there it said there was a new message from Tess, Danny's crush from home. They talked and talked and finally Danny asked about Middletown, their hometown, but she said she didn't know. So Danny asked where she was and she said she was across the lake. Apparently when they were both back at town she talked about how her uncle has a place right across the lake from the Right Way camp.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Summer Ball 105-116

Danny was going to have a talk with Coach Ed Powers. He walked along the beach next to the lake up to Ed's house. Ed greeted him and made an iced tea for Danny and they sat outside and talked. Danny asked Ed if he could trade teams because they weren't very good at working together. Ed said that wasn't the reason and that Danny should just play a different sport like soccer. Danny wanted to get out of Right Way Camp. So, the next day when they were scrimmaging each other, he got a shot. Rasheed Hill and another player were on offense on a fast break streaking down the court. Danny was the only one on defense, a two on one. Danny first went over to the other person, then at the last second stepped in front of Rasheed and landed on his knee hard. The doctors knew for sure that it wasn't broken, but they weren't quite sure what happened to it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Summer Ball 88-105

They were finishing up their scrimmage between the Cavaliers and Celtics, when Danny got back in. Danny was on the Celtics and the Cavaliers went on a 16-2 run. At the end of the game Coach Powers drew up a good play that made for sure that Danny would be open. So, Danny got the ball and had a wide open lane to the basket. So, he went and floated the ball up to the basket. As soon as he did, the big guy from the Cavs, Ollie, came in and caught it. He didn't block it, he just caught it in mid air. After that the whole crowd laughed at Danny.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Summer Ball 83-87

At the scrimmages, Ty's team went up against Danny's team. Ty's team was the Cavaliers and their team was really tall. They had one guy, Ollie, that was six foot six, and could dunk. When they scrimmaged, he had a lot of fast break dunks assisted by Ty. When Danny finally got in, they were down, but were coming back. They were cutting the lead fast. They got within two points.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Summer ball 77-80

When they went to Cedarville, they went to a general store. It had comic books and candy in it. Will bought a spiderman comic book. They also found an ice cream parlor a few doors down. The outside tables were filled because it was so nice out, but the inside was better because it reminded Danny and his friends of home. They talked about what had happened at camp so far, even though it had only been three days.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Summer Ball 69- 77

At Danny's basketball practice at the summer camp Right Way, his coach still doesn't like him. They start scrimmaging each other, first team versus second team. Danny is on the second team and he guards Rasheed Hill from the first team. Danny is having a bad day, and the passes that he usually makes, he can't make. He is looking like a fool. When it ends up one on one with Danny and Rasheed, Rasheed drives on Danny. Danny gets set to take the charge and Rasheed charges him and plows him into the ground. The coach says that there is no foul and ends practice without anything else.

I'm From Poem

I am from dollar store groceries  
from a ratty old vacuum and an always full trash can
I am from the five story brick apartment buildings that line both sides of the street
From my Mothers Bonzai tree
I am from the Maple tree over the Basketball court
whose long gone limbs I remember
as if they were my own.
Im from Basketball and Brown eyes
from Jerry and my mother
I’m from nervous sweating
I’m from Respect your adults and mind your own
and the music on the streets of Harlem
I’m from celebrating the holidays in the Harlem school of arts
I’m from the Harlem Hospital and a chocolate skin tone
From chicken fried steak
From the picture of our Lord Jesus Christ

Set up over our kitchen table high enough so we can all see it

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Summer Ball 51-60

That morning everyone at the camp had been worked hard. They had very little water breaks. At lunch they were allowed two hours instead of one, because they were setting up teams. They were setting up the teams to be as fair as possible. It was based on what they did this morning. Danny had been put on a team with his friends, Will and Tarik. Rasheed Hill, the person Danny went up against in the National Championship, was also on their team. They had a mean coach and when Will said a joke to Danny and Danny busted out laughing, their coach made them run four laps.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Summer Ball 30-43

Danny and his friends are off to a summer camp called Right Way. It is a famous basketball camp that all of the good players go to. People on the same bus to Right Way recognize Danny and his friends from TV when the were in the televised national championship. When they get there the counselors assign cabins to every person. Danny and his friends, Ty and Will, had already had everything lined up that they would be in the same cabin. The counselors called out Ty and Will to be in the same cabin. When the counselor was done, Danny was still there; they never called his name. He went and spoke to the guy and he said that there must have been a mistake. There was a Darren Walker with them instead of Danny. So, Danny got assigned to a different cabin.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Summer Ball 5-20

Danny loves to play basketball. He is only thirteen years old and he has won a national championship. He won it in seventh grade. His father, Richie, also won that same championship when he was a kid. Richie was very good at basketball. He went to the NBA. His career was ended by one of two car accidents that Richie had been in. Danny is a smaller kid so it is hard for him to think about going up against older kids this summer. He is going to a camp for thirteen through fifteen year olds. Danny is a good ball handler and shooter, but he is starting to question his talent even.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Undertakers 1-6

Will found out that his next door neighbor is a walker. Will was an average joe, so to speak. He wasn't to short wasn't too tall. He wasn't too fat, nor to skinny. He wasn't butt-ugly, but he also was the hottest guy in town. But, he was a red head. He didn't like being a red head. People at school always called him Red.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Comeback Kids 148-

The coach of Scott's football team Mr. Dolan was finally going to let Scott play in the next game. They were going up against the Panthers. The Panthers were the worst team in the league. They haven't won a single game or even scored a single touchdown. So, Scott finally got to get in during practice. He got in for more that one or two plays at a time. He would get in for whole drives at a time. One play they did was a reverse to the receiver, Scott. Chris, the quarterback, faked the ball to the fullback and rolled out to his left and stuck the ball in Scott's gut. Scott was wide open, nothing but green grass in front of him. He looked back to check if anyone was following him. Jeremy was one of the fastest kids on the team, but was also one of the nicest, so he just pushed Scott out of bounds. After the play Jimmy, the bully, came in and laid Scott flat on his face, and on the way down Scott landed on his wrist and sprained it.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Comeback kids 125-149

Scott didn't want to play football any more. When he finally did a good play, he hurt someone. He accidentally hurt them. Everyone thought it was on purpose, but it really wasn't. He was just trying to get his block for once. When he hurt the coach's son on accident the coach was very disappointed in him. Everyone started bullying Scott. Scott talked with his parents about quitting and they said it was his choice. When Scott talked to Chris, his best friend, about it, he wasn't very happy. Scott thought of all of the other people that have been in his situation and thought that he should play for himself instead of others.

At practice, Scott stood on the sidelines as usual. Then, one play, Coach Dolan told Scott to come into the scrimmage at cornerback. Scott was lined up against Jeremy Sharp. Jeremy was one of the fastest kids on the team. He was probably one of the best receivers, too. Chris, the quarterback, rolled out to the right and had a defensive end chasing him. He threw a wobbly pass and Scott intercepted it.

Comeback kids 106-114

Scott pretends that he is the quarterback on his field. He pretends that he gets the snap from the center. He drops back like Chris usually did. Then he threw the ball. He threw it high enough so that he could run under it. He caught it and ran through the end zone. At practice Scott was against Jimmy. They were practicing their punt returns for the next game. Scott played a cornerback and was the outside guy on defense. Jimmy would go around Scott every time. So, Scott was getting tired of it. He blocked Jimmy and while Jimmy was throwing Scott down, Scott's foot caught Jimmy's leg. They both went down. Jimmy went down very hard.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Comeback Kids 75-97

Chris tells Scott about his dyslexia. Scott tells Chris about his problem with sports and how he isn't very good at them. So, they decide to make a deal with each other. Scott is going to help Chris with his school work. And Chris is going to help Scott get better at football. They ask their parents and they are fine with it. Chris's parents were going to get a new tutor anyways, so they gave Scott a chance. Scott and Chris study hard for 2 weeks. Scott challenges Chris to read a page faster and faster every time. Chris is very competitive, so he works hard on beating his time.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Comeback Kids 58-74

Chris starts telling Scott that he is going to quit the team because he can't read. Then, Chris runs away and goes home. Scott wonders what Chris means by that. He doesn't say anything to his parents about it until he talks with Chris again on Monday. Scott goes outside and starts drop kicking. That's when you drop the ball on the ground and then kick it. He kicks seven in a row, his new record. Then, Chris comes over to Scott's house again and they sit down to talk about what happened.

They start talking and Chris reveals that he is actually dyslexic. He explains that it is like a cramp on your brain that never goes away. He says that that's why he sometimes runs the wrong way on the field. When the coach shows them the play in x's and o's, he sometimes gets them mixed up.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Comeback Kids 30-45

Once Scott had thought Chris left, he got his tee and set the ball up to kick. He didn't want to kick in front of Chris. So Scott kicked the ball right as Chris came back. Chris told Scott to go out for "evaluations" which were actually try outs. So, Scott went and it was a disaster. His dad took a half day off of work to watch Scott at football. They talked about it in the car ride home. His dad picks his son up and tells him he did a good job.

At the first practice with all of their gear, there were 26 kids. At the very first practice, there were 40. Scott is like a survivor of sixth grade football. He feels like a survivor. They started off by learning how to tackle. Then they lined up 11 on 11. They only did simple running plays with Chris as the quarterback. They would either run right or left.

Comeback Kids 12-30

Chris Conlan makes friends with Scott. On their way to the bus they talk about going to each other's houses and stuff. Scott made a friend. When Scott got home his mother was waiting for him. This was the third time in five years that they had moved. Scott told his mom what had happened that day. Scott's dad made a football field in Scott's backyard. Scott practices there everyday. He isn't the best at throwing or catching, but he can really kick.

One day Scott had Chris over to his house. Chris brought his dog over with him. Scott thought that Chris would have a big dog like he did. But, he didn't; he had a little terrier. The dogs ran around the house and chased each other. Then, Scott shows Chris his football field and he loves it. They play catch, but Scott drops it everytime. On the last throw Scott catches it.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Comeback Kids 1-12

Scott Parry moved to a new school and he is shy. He is a smart kid and wants to answer every question that the teacher asks. But, he knows he shouldn't because he knows the answer to about every question they ask. Jimmy, who is a big kid and looks like he is a good football player, picks on Scott a lot. The only person Scott doesn't want to talk to, is picking on him. Scott is just trying to make friends.

One day Scott is outside and Jimmy dumps all of Scott's stuff on the ground. Scott doesn't care about all of his schoolwork in his bag. He does care about his picture of his dog though. He goes to grab it, but Jimmy swipes it from him. As Jimmy is bullying Scott, a new character arises. Chris Conlan is not the biggest kid in sixth grade, but you could tell that he is the best. He is the kind of guy that everyone wants to be. Chris sticks up for Scott and tells Jimmy to stop and surprisingly, he does.

People have to move all of the time. Sometimes, when they move, they get bullied. It is nice if someone sticks up for them.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Steve Harmon gave his testimony today and totally and completely admits his innocent in the crime, Steve admits being in the drugstore at the time but says he was not there to case the drugstore just to get mints for his brother. During Petrocellis questioning of Steve he admits to talking to King and Cruz before the robbery but nothing about the robbery. He says that King and him are mere acquaintances. He says he does not remember exactly where he was during the day or time of the robbery but that he was walking around taking mental notes on where he wanted to shoot a school movie. Comparing this to Mr. Evans testimony one of them has to be lying about the drugstore deal,  Bobo places Steve in the drugstore the day and time of the robbery but Steve says he was only in the drugstore a whole day or more before the robbery and never went back into the drugstore, one clearly is wrong about their testimonies.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thoroughly Modern Millie

Dear Mr. Faris and assorted others,
The play that you let us go to was very nice. It was well put together. We watched the movie of Thoroughly Modern Millie the day before, so we knew what you guys were doing. It had a good story to it. It was fairly easy to follow. It was good how you made your characters known.

It was well executed. You got your scenes prepared in time for the next scene most of the time. Your backstage worked well together to get it set up. You had good volume. Very good plot line. All of your characters were funny.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Monster Attacks Harlem

The case of Steve Harmon and James King vs. Alguinaldo Nesbitt and the state had some developments in the last session. For those that are new to the case King and Harmon are on trial for felony murder, this incident allegedly happened when the two men tried to rob a drugstore, in the aftermath Mr. Nesbitt the owner of the store ended up dead apparently from his own gun. The only thing taken from the scene was five cartons of cigarettes and money from the register. Today the prosecution brought out their star witness “Bobo” Evans. When Petrocelli brought Bobo to the stand she asked some questions about Bobo allegedly being in a gang and how he admits he took part in the crime and needed to but the blame on someone else, and made him look rather guilty for taking the plea deal. She also proves that Bobo was a hardened criminal and had committed crimes like these before.Bobo also says that King was high when the incident happened and that he was the one who fired the gun on Nesbitt. Bobo will also tell Petrocelli that King was the one who “cased” the store and was to give a signal if the cops for some reason were in the store.  The next to interview Bobo would be Asa Briggs. Asa briggs had a few of the same questions for Bobo but this time asks if he was in the store to commit a felony. She makes him look rather guilty by making sure the jury realizes that he was the only one that admits to being in the drugstore. The 3rd and final attorney to ask questions is O’brien. O’brien just asks Bobo about how he had never talked to Steve, never seen Steve before the heist, and that he did indeed not get a taste of the drugstore deal.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Summary Paragraph

Steve Harmon and James King are on trial for felony murder awaiting the verdict. They are hoping not to get charged with capital punishment. They had planned this job out and decided to stick up someone the police didn’t care about, like someone with a green card. If they did that, they most likely wouldn't be apprehended.  When James actually goes through with the job, Steve goes in first to case the store, he waits inside when the robbery actually goes down. There is a struggle between King, an accomplice Bobo, and Nesbitt  in the drugstore and Mr. Nesbitt ends up dead, shot apparently by his own gun.  There are 5 cartons of cigarettes stolen from the store but nothing else besides money from the register. Later James King and Steve are in court for felony murder. The first day on trial we 9 allbn read is that the prosecution and the defense give their opening statements, Petrocelli states that she wishes to charge the vicious people, King and Harmon, with felony murder. Briggs states that she will prove King and Harmon innocent. We later found out that Jose Zinzi was the who found the body. We also later learn that Bobo later sells the stolen cigarettes to Bolden. Bolden later tells Zinzi about their deal with the stolen cigarettes, Bolden and Zinzi use this information and give their testimony to accept a plea bargain and lessen their sentence. Later Bobo also takes a plea bargain and testifies against King and Harmon. Osvaldo Cruz, a member of the Diablos, who is also acquaintances with King, testifies in court. He doesn't reassure Steve of being innocent.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Compare and Contrast Steve and Osvaldo

Steve Harmon and Osvaldo Cruz are both juveniles. Steve is sixteen and Osvaldo is 14. Steve is more of a quiet person with a bad reputation that wouldn't do such bad things all the time. Osvaldo is the kind of person who is in a gang and had to cut someone with a knife in the face. Osvaldo isn't scared of anybody, because he has a gang that will back him up. He picks on people that don't have a gang to protect them.
In my opinion I think Steve should be on trial. He is older and he was more involved in the crime. He was in the building during the crime and he helped plan the crime as well. I think they let Osvaldo "walk" because he is only fourteen and probably doesn't look like he would do such a thing. He also wasn't involved as much. He was outside during the crime and he didn't help plan it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Monster 89-98

Steve wants to tell O'Brien who he really is. He wants to just open up to her, but he never does. He is scared of the people in jail. He is scared of the guards. Steve is young enough to be a student yet. He could be the one in school. The one staring back at the prisoner on the other side of it could be him. He isn't even old enough to be an adult.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Crime Scene Investigation

James King and Steve plan the crime on 144th street.
They decide that they should rob an illegal immigrant or someone with a green card.
Steve goes into the drugstore to see if the coast is clear.
King and Bobo enter the store to rob for money.
Nesbitt pulls a gun to protect himself.
There is a struggle and Nesbitt ends up dead.
King and Bobo were the two that struggled with him.
Jose comes back to the store and finds Nesbitt's body.
He calls the police.
Bobo sells cigarettes to Bolden.
Bolden tells Zinzi about the cigarettes that he bought.
Bolden and Zinzi use the information about the crime to lessen their charge and get out of prison.
Osvaldo Cruz accepts the plea bargain and testifies for the prosecution.
Steve and King are questioned and ultimately charged with felony and murder.
At the crime scene, no clear fingerprints are found on the register or the counter.
Detectives are relying only on testimonies for their information about the crime scene from Jose, Bobo, and Osvaldo Cruz.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Opening Statements

Petrocelli is trying to make Steve and King look bad. Shes says that they are monsters and should be locked up. O'Brien states that the law protects all of society even the accused killers. She also states that there is a reasonable doubt that Steve did it. Briggs says that Petrocelli's witnesses are self serving, heartless people. Briggs is trying to make Petrocelli and her witnesses look bad.
If I was in Steve's shoes, I would probably be like him. I would be scared of my future. I would be scared of what was going to happen to me. My life would be down in the dumps and I would be crying in my cell. I would probably want the death penalty, so I didn't have to spend the rest of my life in jail. I wouldn't think that I belonged there. I wouldn't know who I was. I couldn't bear it.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Steve Harmon-Main character, on trial for murder
Ernie-sits on the john with his pants down
Sunset- another prisoner, likes to sleep
Sandra Petrocelli- as the dedicated prosecutor
Kathy O’Brien as the defense attorney with doubts
James king- STRAIGHT UP G>as the thug
Richard “Bobo” Evans- as the rat
Osvaldo Cruz, and members of the Diablos- Tough Guy Wannabe
Lorelle Henry- as the Witness

Jose Delgado- Found the body

It starts off with Steve in his cell with his cellmates. He has his hands over his head and his suit and tie that he wears for court next to him on the cot. It starts his movie off with his breakfast that he doesn't eat. Then, he gets a ride to the courthouse in a van. In the courtroom O'Brien tells Steve what is happening in the court and proper courtroom etiquette. Then the case starts with the prosecution and defense getting ready and the jury coming in.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Steve: The Monster

Steve's inner conflict is that he doesn't think that he should be in prison. He doesn't know who he is right now. When he looks at himself in the mirror, he doesn't recognize himself. Now, he cries at nights. He doesn't see himself as one of the prisoners. Jail isn't normal to him; its not his reality. At least that's what he thinks.
I know a guy who has inner conflict. His name is Jace Christensen. He came and talked to us the other day. He is in the construction field and he has two job offers. He is not sure which one to pick. He has to decide by Friday.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Where I'm From

I am from Crest Toothpaste that rests on the counter
and pots and pans rattling in the kitchen.
I am from the cozy,
sweet and warm feel of my home.
I am from the hay in the barn.
The maple tree
whose long gone limbs I remember
as if they were my own.
I’m from showing cattle and playing sports
and from Jon and Lisa.
I’m from eating spaghetti and sleeping in
and from about every sport known to man.
I’m from Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny
and Go tell it on the mountain.
I’m from decorating the Christmas tree and seeing the Christmas bulbs stare back at me
I’m from Carroll, Iowa and Germany.
The juicy steak and the tender roast
From the time my mom glued her fingers together
and she was at it for half an hour.
From these little boots made of clay that were painted by my great grandmother
That sit on a shelf on the wall
From these little memories

That’s where I’m from

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Walter Dean Meyers: An Inspiring Story

Walter Dean Meyers purpose for writing is to inspire kids. In today's society you have to know how to read fluently. So, he writes books to make kids want to read. If the can read, they will be successful. He writes about the cities and about the streets of Harlem and other big cities. He writes about these settings so kids can make connections to his stories. He also writes about them to show the neighborhoods and the culture in big cities. Also, he wants people to see what problems city kids face. He was given away and had to live in the poor side of Harlem.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Should Juveniles be Charged as Adults?

I believe that children should be tried as adults in some cases. If they are a threat to our society, then they should be taken out of our society. If they have previous offenses for doing major things, then I think that they should be tried as adults. If the juveniles have a violent nature of their crimes, then we should charge them as adults. However, younger teenager's brains aren't fully developed yet. So, I think they should do some check-ups or background checks before charging a juvenile.